Knowledge Societies

Panel Discussion

Methods Training in Sociology Study Programs

Wednesday, August 20, 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Room S 003

All undergraduate and graduate study programs in sociology require adequate methodological and statistical training. The panel discussion will reflect on the way in which we react in our teaching to the manifold recent changes and developments. Such challenges include the availability of new types of data and techniques of analyses (such as unstructured data or machine learning). How do these trends affect the basic university training in the social sciences? How does sociology programs integrate modules on data science or vice versa? Based on a brief presentation of “best practice” programs, the hybrid panel will highlight important components of methods and statistics courses. The AS plans to come up with general recommendations for universities to restructure their course programs.

Panelists: Elizabeth Bruch (University of Michigan), David Garcia (University of Konstanz), Anna-Carolina Haensch (LMU Munich), Ben Jann (University of Bern)

Organization: Thomas Hinz (University of Konstanz, AS board member)